The Diapason section is dedicated to the remains of all pets.
The animal's remains must be placed in a coffin (sold exclusively by the Laval Cemetery).
A monument must be installed on the plots in this section (sold exclusively by the Laval Cemetery).
For small animal remains
30¨x 30¨ plot
Cost: on request
Term of the concession: 25 years
(25 additional years may be purchased at a cost of $500 if paid at time of burial)
- The plot for the remains of one animal
- The burial of the animal remains
- The casket
- The identification of your animal on a brass plate
Not included:
- The monument
- The engraving
N.B.: A second place in the same lot is available at an additional cost.
Taxes not included. Prices subject to change without notice.
For medium-sized animal remains
30" x 60" plot
Cost:on request
Term of the concession: 25 years
(25 additional years may be purchased at a cost of $500 if paid at time of burial)
- The plot for the remains of one animal
- The burial of the animal remains
- The casket
- The identification of your animal on a brass plate
Not inclued:
- The monument
- The engraving